Why Critical Infrastructure Matters

How Florida is Stepping Up to the Challenge!

Why Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity Matters and How Florida is Stepping Up to the Challenge


As an Security Researcher and member of the Florida Air National Guard, I understand the importance of securing critical infrastructure. Cybersecurity for critical infrastructure is crucial because these systems are essential to the functioning of our society. In this blog post, I will explore the concept of critical infrastructure cybersecurity, why it matters, the risks and threats that exist, and how Florida is stepping up to the challenge.

Introduction to Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity

Critical infrastructure refers to the systems and assets that are essential for the functioning of society. These systems include energy, transportation, water, healthcare, communication and more. CISA defines a total of 16 critical infrastructure sectors. The cybersecurity of these systems is critical because an attack on any of them could have severe consequences for the economy, public health, and safety.

What is Critical Infrastructure and Why Does It Need to be Secured?

Critical infrastructure includes both physical and virtual systems that are essential to the functioning of society. Physical systems include power plants, transportation networks, and water treatment facilities. Virtual systems include computer networks, data centers, and communication systems. These systems are vulnerable to cyber attacks, and a successful attack could have severe consequences.

Failure to secure critical infrastructure can result in significant economic and social disruption. For example, a cyber attack on a power grid could lead to a blackout, causing widespread chaos and economic damage. Similarly, an attack on a water treatment facility could lead to a contamination of the water supply, causing public health risks.

Types of Critical Infrastructure and Their Importance

Critical infrastructure can be divided into different sectors, including energy, transportation, water, and communication (to name a few). Each of these sectors is essential to the functioning of society and is vulnerable to cyber attacks.

  • The energy sector includes power plants, oil and gas pipelines, and refineries. A cyber attack on this sector could result in a blackout or disruption of fuel supplies, causing widespread chaos and economic damage.

  • The transportation sector includes airports, seaports, and rail networks. A cyber attack on this sector could disrupt travel and transportation of goods, causing economic damage and social disruption.

  • The water sector includes water treatment facilities, sewage systems, and dams. A cyber attack on this sector could lead to contamination of the water supply, causing public health risks.

  • The communication sector includes computer networks, data centers, and communication systems. A cyber attack on this sector could disrupt communication and data transfer, causing economic damage and social disruption.

Risks and Threats to Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity

The risks and threats to critical infrastructure cybersecurity are numerous and continually evolving. Some of the most common risks and threats include:

  • Cyber attacks from nation-states, terrorist organizations, and criminal groups
  • Insider threats from employees or contractors
  • Physical attacks on infrastructure, such as bombings or sabotage
  • Natural disasters, such as hurricanes or earthquakes

The consequences of a successful cyber attack on critical infrastructure can be severe, leading to economic disruption, public health risks, and social chaos.

Cybersecurity is an essential component of critical infrastructure protection. As more critical infrastructure systems become connected to the internet, the risk of cyber attacks increases. Cybersecurity measures, such as firewalls, encryption, and intrusion detection systems, are necessary to protect these systems from cyber threats.

In addition to technical measures, critical infrastructure protection also involves policies and regulations to ensure that cybersecurity is a priority for organizations that operate critical infrastructure systems. This includes training employees, conducting regular security audits, and implementing incident response plans.

Florida’s Approach to Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity

Florida is taking a proactive approach to critical infrastructure cybersecurity through laws, regulations, and initiatives that address the risks and threats to these systems.

Florida’s Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity Laws and Regulations

Florida has several laws and regulations that address critical infrastructure cybersecurity. One of the most significant is the Florida Cybersecurity Act, which facilitates an established set of standards and processes. This law is essential because it paves the way for assessing state agency cybersecurity risks and determining the appropriate security measures.

Florida’s Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity Initiatives

Florida has several critical infrastructure cybersecurity initiatives that aim to protect these systems from cyber threats. One of the most significant is the Florida Center for Cybersecurity, which is a research center that focuses on cybersecurity issues related to critical infrastructure. This center provides training, research, and technical assistance to organizations that operate critical infrastructure systems.

Another critical initiative is the Florida Cyber Range, which is a virtual environment where organizations can test their cybersecurity defenses in a safe and controlled environment. This initiative is essential because it allows organizations to identify and address vulnerabilities before they are exploited by cybercriminals.

The Future of Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity in Florida

The future of critical infrastructure cybersecurity in Florida looks promising. The state has taken a proactive approach to this issue, with laws, regulations, and initiatives that aim to protect these systems from cyber threats. As the threat landscape evolves, Florida will need to continue to adapt and invest in new cybersecurity measures to keep pace with the changing risks and threats.


In conclusion, critical infrastructure cybersecurity is essential to the functioning of society. Cyber attacks on these systems can have severe consequences for the economy, public health, and safety. Florida is taking a proactive approach to critical infrastructure cybersecurity through laws, regulations, and initiatives that address the risks and threats to these systems. As the threat landscape evolves, Florida will need to continue to invest in new cybersecurity measures to keep pace with the changing risks and threats.


If you operate critical infrastructure systems, I encourage you to take cybersecurity seriously and invest in the necessary measures to protect these systems from cyber threats. If you need assistance, please contact a qualified cybersecurity professional to help you assess your risks and develop a cybersecurity strategy that meets your needs. I am always available to share information or provide assistance in any way that I can! Stay safe out there!